The last time I posted was about 3 weeks ago. Of those three weeks, the first, I started to come off the honeymoon or "bounce". I was starting to wake up closer to the morning either to vomit or because I was too nauseous to sleep. Then I removed dairy from my diet, that was the 28th of September. My energy sored! My mood was elevated, my nausea went away and I was so productive around the house, with my school work, and I was also enjoying my time with friends. Anyway, just a few days ago, I think this past Thursday, Oct 6th, I started getting pain again in my lower gut. I have colitis in my rectum and I think in patches around my large intestine. Lots of scar tissue. At this point I was still introducing new foods and I attributed the pain to green beans. This weekend I started to feel nauseous again at night, which I attributed to some "fresh" pineapple juice. However, Monday morning I woke up in a lot of pain. The pain got so intense, I thought my bowel must be rupturing and I may have to call an ambulance. I was soaked with sweat and so intensely nauseous at the same time but of course could pass nothing and had nothing to vomit anyway. This was at around 2 am. It lasted for about half an hour and went away. Then around 8 am I woke up with excruciatingly painful diarrhea multiple times. I had added nothing new to my diet because I was eating in my food safe zone so I could feel better again. So I think this may be due to the pro-inflammatory phase of the worms. I'm having joint pain again too, when it was absent for about a week before. Also feeling pain every time I eat or drink. Anyway, after that morning I have been just fine, but having a lot of tenesmus (sharp stabbing pain, like a knife up the butt?). Its awful and sudden and unfortunately can linger for hours out of my day.
Also on the brighter side: I am thrilled with the results I'm seeing with the SCD. Despite all this pain and whatever, I'm not bloated at all, have almost no gas (which cuts way back on cramping), and I've lost an additional 12 lbs (added to the 7 lbs I lost from being sick). This is good for me as I was overweight and am now back into my appropriate BMI. Also I don't crave or think about food and am never hungry. Its very liberating. I'm going on my 6th consecutive week (without cheating!).
Anyway.....Bring on week 12!!! I know once the pro-inflammatory phase is over I'll go back to how I was feeling before. WAY better!
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