Friday, 29 July 2011

Week 9

Its week 9, only three more weeks until week 12. I'm really looking forward to this, as hopefully I'll see even more improvements. I have been feeling much better since my last blog entry. Actually, the next day after blogging last, I woke up feeling great! All this week has been pretty good. The nausea is almost completely resolved. Yesterday I had a few hours in the afternoon where I was feeling pretty nauseated. Had to break from my studying, but it resolved on its own. This morning too, after eating breakfast I was afraid I was not going to keep it down. I noticed the early cues to where it was heading and took some Benadryl. Forty-five minutes later, I'm back to myself again writing this entry. I hope to be very productive this week. I have a big pathophysiology exam this Wednesday to study for. Its worth 45% of my mark so I really need to focus. However, I really do enjoy the material. I'm fascinated with health, diseases and the body, not to mention human biochemistry. I actually read something yesterday that was really interesting to me, as my mother has short-gut syndrome. Obviously a big concern with short-gut syndrome is taking in enough calories and nutrients because  absorption is limited when you only have a small portion of your intestine remaining. Anyway, have you ever heard about someone losing a kidney and the other remaining one grows bigger and compensates for the loss of the first? Or having a part of your liver removed and the remaining piece regenerates and compensate for the partial removal? Well according to my text, those affected by short-gut syndrome,  the villi and the crypts in the ileum increase in size and absorptive capabilities. (Villi are these long finger like projections in the inside of the intestine. If were you touch them, they feel like almost like soft fuzz because they're so small and fine. They're there to increase the surface area of your intestine so more tissue can come in contact with food to absorb it.) The adaptation doesn't return you to normal but every little bit helps. Our bodies are so amazing!

Anyway, back to this past week. I'm feeling very good. Nausea is much better, and almost no bloating at all. My abdomen still remains very tender but there are days which are much better than others. Also I've been having joint pain return again. Its mild compared to what is was, but has been pretty constant in my left leg (toes, ankle, knee) for the past five days or so. Its a little disheartening but, I try to remember that this is a process, not a one day cure all. And I have been expecting some ratcheting which will no doubt  continue. Overall, if I weigh the good and the bad, the balance is tipping far to the good. I've been giddy this week with my flat tummy. Its so nice and soft and when I sit--it goes in! (Instead of being forced out, all distended). I can move around and the change my position with much less discomfort. Its so liberating! Ahh... the little joys in life.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Week 8 and a bit

This week has been a very weird week for me.
The abdominal pain has lessened quite a bit. I've stopped taking Benadryl for the last half week or so. Well that's partly true, anyway. I've had quite a few nights this week where I haven't been able to sleep. I've been getting very nauseated in the evenings which has kept me from falling asleep until late in the morning. I've been waking up very nauseated in the morning, too. Wednesday and Saturday this week, I tried taking Benadryl after waking because I thought the nausea might be due to the worms, but each time I ended up vomiting it up in the morning. Breakfast has been a battle this week, especially since even though my stomach is queasy, I'm usually still pretty hungry when I wake up. Does anyone else get that--hungry though you're queasy? Usually by lunch I feel much closer to good again.
Bowels have been weird this week, too. Back and forth between watery and normal, pencil thin to normal (for me), running five times a day to can't go, only false alarms.
I have my Remicade this Tuesday coming up. Maybe that will help even things out. I think the worms are playing around with my immune system, especially since I'm usually flaring around this time after my last infusion. Despite this weirdness, my spirits are still high! There are so many things I am grateful for. For example: I only have one week left of school and then a whole 5 weeks off, I don't have to work full time and have plenty of chances to rest and accommodate how I am feeling, and I am doing well in school, even better than normal people without health issues. Also I have a very supportive husband and family.
I forgot to mention, the belly bloating has finally reduced (about mid-week) and its less tender. Weird week.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Just a little allergy pill

Reflecting back on the last week, I thought that this abdominal pain was gone and it IS going... I had two great days this week with almost no pain, but yesterday I found it particularly bothersome and my tolerance is kind of weaning. (Its kind of cumulative with back pain). So I emailed Garin describing what I was feeling and asking if this was characteristic of the worms, if I should just wait it out, or if there was some sort of medical intervention. He replied that the pain I described was "classic hookworm" and to try some Benadryl first. I tried some this morning and it helped! The pain isn't gone and my stomach is still distended but it is better and I can actually suck my stomach almost normally, which is an improvement.
I don't know if you're like me in this sense, but when my stomach is so bloated consistently for so long, it tends to get me depressed as I start to feel really fat (you know, on top of everything else). And the longer it lasts, the more I become convinced that I've gained a large amount of weight and it isn't just going to go away when I feel better. (I tend to gain when I'm sick and lose when I'm healthy). So I've come up with some ways to gage if its bloated or if I've gained weight, because usually my stomach can be pretty tender regardless. Two questions: can I suck it in and can I push it out? If I can't push my stomach out voluntarily because its already distended as far as it can go, I know I'm bloated, and if I can't suck it in or its too painful to suck in, I'm bloated. Also, if I lay down on my back, does it stick out or does it sink in (convex vs. concave)? Just something small to keep myself sane. This illness has done a number on me, psychologically.
I have a really hard time gaging how sick I am or how much pain I am in--basically from years of being told I was faking or that whatever is ailing me, isn't significant. Its all very confusing, especially because its an invisible illness. I can't see the sick; its all mysterious, subjective and changing.
When I talked to my mom this morning, (she's been inoculated twice with hookworms now in the last 8-9 months), I was describing to her the pain in my stomach and how it was different and similar to what I normally experience. She basically said: "That's exactly what happened to me, only I didn't know it was the worms! I spent weeks in bed! All this time I could have just taken a little allergy pill..." Because now, she's well past the 3 month mark and I think we both kinda expect treatment that is going to be terrible from the side effects, or scary from the dangers, invasive or whatever. But no, just a little allergy pill. That's cool, I like this worm therapy stuff so far.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Week 6.5

Well I'm back to feeling good again! The pain lasted for about a week for me, maybe a week and a half. I'm not sure exactly what it was due to. I normally have colitis and occaisionally gastritis, which was where the pain was. If the worms are pro-inflamatory maybe they just increased the inflammation in these areas? I've heard that the hook worms can cause a bit of blood loss (though I'm not sure how accurate that is or when its supposed to happen). I will say that during that painful week, I think I was passing blood from the upper GI because all my BMs were very dark, almost black and then when the pain subsided, I noticed they returned back to their normal colour.
This past week, since the majority of the pain subsided, I've just been a little bit crampy and I'm still "perma" bloated. All my clothes which were too big two weeks ago, are now tight and uncomfortable. I don't miss bloating at all.
I've also noticed that still my arthritis is still strangely absent, apart from a minior incident here or there. And I have this random swollen ankel that started 6 months ago. It wasn't brought on by anything I can think of. I didn't hurt myself; it just randomly started swelling which I noticed because it felt tight and uncomfortable. It swelled every day consistently for six months. During the honeymoon period (or the bounce), I notice the swelling just disappeared. Left as suddenly as it came. Two weeks ago it came back (coincidence with the proinflamatory phase perhaps?). I think its going away again and I feel its because of the worms.
Also, I thought I might be feeling arthritis in my back, but after talking to a massage therapist today, it might not be. He seems to think that my hip joint is locked which is putting strain on my back. I'm going to make a chiropractic appointment next week. I'm waiting to see a rheumatologist but... I'm thinking now that by the time I actually get in, my problems will be gone thanks to the hookworms.

My spirits very high right now. Overall, I'm very excited. I finish my class at the end of the month. My marks are good and I only have one major project left and a final exam. Then I have the whole month of August off again before school re-starts in September. I'm going to relax, visit friends and go to the beach and get some colour.
I'm a bit nervous. This fall term I have a completely full course load. I've been full time the whole year, but I have a couple extra courses I'm taking this year (7 vs 10). By the time September comes, it will have been three months with the hookworms. I know I will be feeling so well, that I will be able to complete all the work I need to. :)  This treatment has provided me with so much hope. I can actually plan for the future and see myself living out all the things I want to accomplish, as if I'm not limited or worried I might not be well enough.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Signs of life

Well this week has been pretty crappy for me, symptom wise. It started Monday when I woke up in the morning with a heavy bloated belly (today is Sunday). It was kind of a triple wammy with the sore gut, menstrual cramps and arthritis aching in my back. Though the cramps and back ache have gone now, my gut still hurts! It really hurts too, and its not the average gut ache I'm being used to since I've been in remission. It feels like I have two dense medicine balls of pain, one below my rib cage and diaphragm and the other right below it. Some times it feels like I have heartburn in my guts, like deep burning constant pain and it hasn't gone away or subsided. It is not cramps, spasms or gas. It hurts whether I eat or not.
I think this is the first sign of life in my small intestine.
I emailed Garin and he said that I've entered into the proinflamatory phase which usually goes from 2.5 weeks to 6 weeks. My arthritis returned almost exactly at the 2.5 week mark. A little less than a week and hopefully I'll be feeling better. Its been hard to do work; the pain is such a distraction. It could be worse though; I'm not frequently having to visit the washroom (just once or twice a day), and I'm hardly nauseous at all. I might finally have a sign that the little guys are alive.